To play a good FIFA, except for some overall coordination, awareness, etc., sometimes practical extraordinary action essential. But the action guide which many are extraordinary fancy, but in the actual game, can not always do the fancy moves slowly pressing LT + right stick. I saw the FIFA 16 competition substantially no fancy moves, fast game speed is estimated that it is difficult to make out too fancy moves, more simple and quick change of Fifa Coins direction is extraordinary, so can improve the control of the ball.
Thinks that basically not be extraordinary, facing opposite a defensive FIFA 16 player, can simply accelerate change lines, the ball, one-two, and so over the top, if appropriately fast extraordinary enough. 1. lateral dribbling dial (new action): Just use the arrow keys you can make lateral movements dial dribbling, very practical.
Methods of operation: normal ball, do a vertical change of direction. (Any player can make, but the technique is generally players need to step on the ball, in order to do a lateral dial the ball. The technology good FIFA 16 players without first step on the ball, can directly dial the ball to make a lateral movement, response speed and more fast.)2. HEEL-TO-HEEL (new action): the "dial back heel before the ball bounced to the back foot back and then forward the pop-up" breakthrough extraordinary way, a lot of Fifa 17 Coins technology can make the FIFA 16 players slightly better point.
Methods of operation: the left stick forward even dial twice (double-click the forward arrow keys).3. Pull knock the ball vertical change to (new action): first press R2 stopping at stopping state, the left stick poke backwards first, then to the left or right to make vertical displacement, action to be fast in FIFA 16.
Then you can play kick the wall with, if you opened up the situation on the sub-side, so that backs involved in the attack, but the core is tearing opponents defense inside the area, of Fifa 17 Points Account course, have the opportunity must not be missed long shots, FIFA 16 is a very long shot Effective, possible good use.