
Problems defensive philosophy is that you can

Fifa 17 Coins  steals and shot requires certain skills, like, if the players learn these skills can save a lot of cheap FIFA 16 coins, today to introduce the FIFA 16 guides defensive skills and steal.Shot can steal, passed the ball to a certain number, you will find FIFA series rarely used key steals, basically card position, and then put the ball off the player automatically, or with the body to the other players squeeze.

Problems defensive philosophy is that you can open the coach mode, generally only when it is used to close a block (shot) to the ball, but remember not to use in the box, it is easy penalty, the defense more with defense, then In the case of losing position can allow the computer to come to help defend.

As we all know, the ball is live at the foot of looting, while FIFA is to be on the ball and extraordinary anticipation, then use a card or blocking the passing lanes for defense. Avoid pounce fierce rush, to have some patience. Remember these, the player basically a beginning, play with your true philosophy is the same.

Players should spend more cheap FIFA coins demo several times, the first to open a file, play manager mode, cooked up  Fifa Coins the defense again, if a direct hit line probably will spend finish your interest.

